Longevity Articles

Stay informed with the latest information related to supplements and nutrition to help you live healthier and longer.

Longevity Articles

Stay informed with the latest information related to supplements and nutrition to help you live healthier and longer.

NMN News & Research

The main benefits of supplemental NMN include supporting longevity, healthy body weight, metabolic markers, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

NMN News & Research

The main benefits of supplemental NMN include supporting longevity, healthy body weight, metabolic markers, cognitive function, and reproductive health.

Longevity Articles — Cardiovascular

Time-Restricted Eating: The Benefits of Shorter Eating Windows and How to Practice It to Support Longevity

Time-Restricted Eating: The Benefits of Shorter Eating Windows and How to Practice It to Support Longevity

Following a time-restricted eating plan may lead to longer lifespans, improved metabolic markers, weight loss, cardiovascular health, and cognitive function—here's how to practice it. 

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Optimizing Magnesium Intake (And Why You Need To)

Optimizing Magnesium Intake (And Why You Need To)

Maintaining adequate magnesium levels as we age becomes essential, as it directly influences various aspects of our health and longevity, including muscle and heart health, brain function, sleep, and more. 

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How Pomella® Pomegranate Extract Helps Your Brain, Heart, And More

How Pomella® Pomegranate Extract Helps Your Brain, Heart, And More

The brain's cognitive reserve diminishes over time, leading to reduced mental agility and memory. Polyphenols in Pomella® Pomegranate Extract support neural pathways and have been shown to assist in memory performance.

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Solving Inflammaging: Reduce Pain, Increase Mobility, And Rejuvenate Brain Health

Solving Inflammaging: Reduce Pain, Increase Mobility, And Rejuvenate Brain Health

Here you’ll find practical tips and strategies to reduce inflammaging, alleviate pain, increase mobility, and rejuvenate brain and body health. 

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